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- 0810-8887-4782 (Call Center)
- (011) 4315-8445 (Retiro)
- (0351) 422-9002 (Cordoba)
- (0351) 422-1028 (Cordoba)
- (0358) 462-1078 (Rio Cuarto)
- (0341) 438-0655 (Rosario)
Here you can search the schedules and destinations of buses of middle and long distance in Argentina. Want to travel from one point to another in Argentina. We offer you a free service so you can see online the info from different companies operating in Argentina. Here you can find schedules, destinations, prices, routes, seating and even buy your ticket online through the network system used by companies here in Argentina. In this travel blog you can see all the info of the best Bus Companies.
The publication realized at this blog site refers to the information published by the different firms that offer services of passenger transport in this country. It is necessary to clarify that the images and logos of these firms that are mentioned in this site is the propriety of their respective owners.