- Catamarca (03833-43-4980)
- Buenos Aires (011-4643-07229-Liniers; 011-4000-5222- Retiro)
- Córdoba (0351-4210711)
- Tucuman (0381-430-3989)
- Santa fe (0341-439-4398)
- Santiago del Estero (0385-421-9108)
Urquiza Bus company Schedules, fares and seats avialable.
General Urquiza Bus company connects the center of the country with part of Cuyo and Northwest Argentina. If you intended travel from Buenos Aires to Córdoba this company offers a wide range of time frequencies. Look in detail schedules, destinations, tours, tickets and also you can look if there are seats available.
No doubt that if you are looking for tickets or companies who travel to Córdoba City from Buenos Aires or Rosario or vice versa General Urquiza is the bus which has more number of services. And all the schedules of Urquiza are here.